indie rock

Genre of music, nicknamed after the independent labels which support lesser-known bands. Typically, the independent labels allow more "musical freedom", which results in a truer, less cookie-cutter sound that mainstream listeners do not immediately identify with. Indie rock draws inspiration from bands such as the Beatles, The Velvet Underground, and Radiohead. Many indie rock bands are characterized by the use of unique or less-popular instruments. Subjectively (since music is subjective), indie rock cds typically sound less "perfect" than mainstream music, which typically grabs the attention of indie rock enthusiasts. Indie rock is a mixture of many other genres, including alternative rock, folk music, electronica, even pop. It also tends to be very positive music, despite popular opinion.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to indie rock. Some of the top words include: street punk, alt, teenybopper, Led Zeppelin, undie, and 25 more.